Saturday, May 16, 2020

Business Marketing and Life Cycle - 1431 Words

Chapter 7, 8, and 9 Questions and Problems Name: Juanita Askew Date Submitted: 10/22/2012 Week Number: Three Chapter/Question: Chapter Seven, Eight, Nine/Questions 1,7,18,2,9,10,1,2,8 1. Discuss the concept of a marketing information system and why it is important for marketing managers to be involved in planning the system. A marketing information system is a management information system designed to support marketing decision making. Trend in the marketing environment are picked up and analyzed through four subsystems making up the marketing information systems the internal accounting systems, marketing intelligence system, marketing research systems, and analytical systems. The information flows to marketing managers to help†¦show more content†¦5. List five brand names and indicate what product is associated with the brand name. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the brand name. Amazon, Hewlett-Packard, Apple, Nike, and Dunkin Donuts. The products associated with these brand names are: purchase merchandise online, computers, iPod, shoes, and donuts. Strengths: Product development. Doesn t invent the market, but its products set high standard s for the market. Weaknesses: Very proprietary and controlling. Won t open the operating system to outsiders to develop hardware to work with the products, keeping hardware sales to it. While this keeps design control inside and up to standards, it has hurt wide adaptation of its hardware, especially computers, where it has a relatively small market share. Apple has veto power over Apps sold. Strengths 1. Competitive brand. 2. No tying up to the factories making it a lean organization. 3. Global brand. 4. Manufacture products at lowest possible price. Weaknesses 1. Lack of diversification in products. 2. Lack of retail stores. 6. Explain family brands. Should Best Buy carry its own dealer brands to compete with some of the popular manufacturer brands it carriers? Explain your reasons. Family branding is a marketing strategy that involves selling several related products under one brand name. Yes, I feel that Best Buy should carry its own dealer brand too compete with some of the popular manufacturerShow MoreRelatedThe Relationship between Differentiation and Positioning of Products or Services849 Words   |  3 PagesSimulation The relationship between differentiation and positioning of products or services Product or service differentiation is the state of your business products and service standing out with uniqueness as compared with other competitors on the same market, while product and service positioning is the product delivery to the consumer. 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